We are providing school education through our school JATIYA VIDYALAYA CHARAIBAHI to the poor and needy students of the locality. It was was established in 2006 and it is managed by Apcom Educational and Cultural Development Society.. It is located in Rural area of KAPILI block of MORIGAON district of Assam. The school is Co-educational and it have an attached pre-primary section. Assamese is the medium of instructions in this school. This school is approachable by all weather road. In this school academic session starts in April.
The school has Assam type building. It has 14 nos. of concrete classrooms and 6 nos of non concrete classroom for instructional purposes. All the classrooms are in good condition. It has 3 other rooms for non-teaching activities. The school has a separate room for Head master/Teacher. The school has have electric connection. The source of Drinking Water in the school is Well and it is functional. The school has 1 boys toilet and it is functional. and 1 girls toilet and it is functional. The school has a playground. The school has a library and has 500 books in its library. The school does not need ramp for disabled children to access classrooms. The school has a computer lab for teaching and learning purposes and all are functional. The school is having a computer aided learning lab. The school is not providing mid-day meal. Generally most of the students from BPL categories are taking admission in this school and we are providing them education with all modern facilities compete with the other modern schools. The school having classes from ANKUR to Class X and 100% pass out result is class X exam since last three years.